30 Nov


A person complained to Muhiyyus Sunnah Hazrat Moulana Abraarul Haq Sahib رحمه الله sayung that; “When I go to my brother’s house, my brother makes my sister in law adopt purdah from me. She does not sit with us and does not eat with us. She avoids me, and does not want to talk to me anymore. I am very upset.”


Hazrat Moulana Abraarul Haq Sahib رحمه الله asked; “Does your brother welcome you and entertain you?” The person replied in the affirmative. Hazrat Moulana Abraarul Haq Sahib رحمه الله asked; “Do you then go there to meet your brother or your sister in law?”


This is how the Mashā’ikh (spiritual mentors) check the treachery of the nafs.


Another individual wrote to Hakeemul Ummah Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwi Sahib رحمه الله informing him of the passing away of his sister in law. In the letter, he paid tribute to her, praising and expressing his admiration for her. He also wrote that he missed her.


Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwi Sahib رحمه الله said; “It seems like you had a different kind of relationship with that sister in law. And due to that, you are writing a great deal of praises of your sister in law. It indicates that your nafs was involved.”


The person admitted his error, acknowledged his weakness and Haraam feelings for his sister in law. The Mashā’ikh have the unique ability to diagnose the spiritual illnesses that deviate the seeker from the correct path.

(SOURCE: REMOVING THE SAFETY NET based on informal advices by Hazrat Moulana Yunus Patel Sahib رحمه الله)

Council of Ulama Eastern Cape