What to do when someone is about to leave this world

1. When a person is about to die, make him lie down flat on his back. Place his feet towards the Qiblah and raise his head so that his face could be towards the Qiblah. If moving him causes difficulty then leave him in any convenient position. Sit near him and recite the Kalimah aloud so that by listening to you he will also commence reading. Do not order him to read the Kalimah because this is a very difficult time and we do not know what he will utter. It is desirable that a person in the state of Janabat (impurity) leaves the room.

2. The moment he recites the Kalimah once, keep quiet and do not try to make him read it repeatedly until he passes away. Because the purpose of this is that, the last words that are uttered by him are that of the Kalimah. It is therefore not necessary that the Kalimah be continuously recited until he passes away. However, if he starts talking of any worldly matter after having recited the Kalimah, commence reciting the Kalimah again. Once he recites it, keep quiet.

3. Once the breathing begins to stop, he starts taking quick breaths, the limbs get loose and he is unable to stand, the nose gets crooked and the temples begin to cave in, one should know that death has approached. At that time, the Kalimah should be recited in a loud voice.

4. By reciting Surah Yaaseen, the severity of death decreases. This Surah should be recited by sitting near his head or anywhere else near him. If one cannot recite it oneself, one should ask someone else to
recite it. It is recommended that Surah Ra’d also be recited at this time, if possible.

5. At that time of death, do not speak anything that will turn his attention towards the world because this is the time of leaving the world and presenting oneself in front of Allah Ta”ala. Do such things, talk of such things that his heart turns away from the world, and directs itself towards Allah Ta”ala. In this lies full benefit for the dead person. To bring his family and children in front of him, or anyone else for whom he had a lot of love, or to talk of such things towards which his heart turns or whose love enters his heart is extremely detestable at such a time

6. If at the time of death, he uttered some words of kufr, do not worry about it and do not announce it. Instead, think that due to the difficulty of death, his mind is not normal and this therefore occurred. When one is not in one’s senses, everything is forgiven. Continue making dua to Allah Ta”ala for his salvation.

7. Once the person dies, straighten all his limbs. Close his mouth in the following way: take a cloth and tie it in such a way that it goes from below his chin and around both sides of his head. Thereafter, tie a knot so that his mouth does not open. Close his eyes and thereafter tie the toes of both his feet together so that his legs do not move about. Cover him with a sheet and thereafter, as far as possible,
hasten towards his ghusl and kaffan.

8. At the time of closing his mouth, recite the following dua: Translation: “In the name of Allah and on the creed, religion and faith of Rasulullah.”

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05 Oct

Allah Ta aala has given us the beautiful formula compatible with the differing natures of the genders. It is reported in a hadith that Rasulullah(sallalahu allaihi wasallam)had apportioned the work that pertains to matters outside the home to Sayyidina Ali (Radhiyallahu Anhu)while the work pertaining to aspects inside…

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Q: Land was  usurped by the Apartheid government. At the time of the death of the parents, the property was not in their possession. 38 years later, the government now has given as compensation two other plots in Fairview to the inheritors. Compensation not given to the parents, long deceased,…


  • By Ihsaan Abrahams
  • / Other

DISCLAIMER - Councilofulama.co.za questions The Councilofulama.co.za Site answers issues pertaining to Shariah. Thereafter these questions and answers are placed for public view on www.councilofulama.co.za for educational purposes. However, many of these answers are unique to a particular scenario and can not be taken as a basis to establish…

Late for Eid Salaah

Q. If i miss one rakaat of eid salaah when must i recite the takbeers when i am fulfilling the missed rakaat. A. He should recite the takbeers after the qiraat just before ruku when he fulfils the missed rakaat.

Fitra to Non-Muslim

Q. Can one give fitra to poor non Muslims? A. No one cannot give sadaqatul fitr to south African non muslims as they are not zimmi(meaning they donot live in a muslim country)

Takbeer at Eidgah

Q. Is it sunnah to recite takbeer loudly or softly on the way to eidgha on eidulfitr. A. It is sunnah to recite the takbeer softly on the way to the eid salaah on eidulfitr whereas on eiduladhaa it is sunnah to recite the takbeer loudly. Bahishti Zewar…

Haidh while fasting

Q. If a woman gets her haidh while fasting what must she do? A. She should compulsory eat something if she is sure it is her haidh.If she is not sure whether it is haidh or not then she should abstain. However she should not eat in front…

Fidya for not fasting

Q. I am terminally ill and have no hope of recovery can i pay fidya for my fasts. A. Yes you should pay fidya for every fast missed. The Fidya amount is the same as sadaqatul fitr. However if you ever recover you will have to make qadhaa…

Eating while fasting

Q. A person while fasting ate forgetfully. He thought his fast broke. He then ate intentionally. Must he make qadhaa and kafaara or is qadhaa sufficient. A. In this case only qadhaa has to be made. Bahishti Zewar page206

22 Aug

He stood up to the Khalifah Abu Ja`far al-Mansur regarding the hadith “The divorce of the coerced does not take effect”. Imam Malik was told not to narrate this hadith but he did anyway and was flogged for it. Even after being flogged and while being paraded he still defied the Khalifah by narrating the hadith.

Said ibn Jubair fought along side Abdullah ibn az-Zubair and was part of a group called the “Battalion of Quran reciters”. He was eventually captured and brought to Al Hajjaj.

He is renowned for his conversation with Al Hajjaj and consequent death.All throughout the conversation he remained steadfast to the truth even though this infuriated al Hajjaj even more.What makes him even more special is that you can lie when your life is at risk.When he was finally killed his blood gushed out in a way that al Hajjaj had never seen before, the explanation for this was that Said ibn Jubair was so relaxed at the time of his murder that his blood was kept in its original form, but usually if one is scared or afraid their blood curdles and does not flow profusely.

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22 Aug

Ramadan Message

  • By Yusuf Bemath
  • / Islam

Given that the world has shrunk into a global village and Muslims live amongst and mingle with non-Muslims, and almost 1 out of every four persons in the world is a Muslim, begs the question: What type of people are these?. They pray five times a day, don’t drink, don’t gamble, do not swear, they do not exploit others, they don’t oppress and neither allow themselves to be oppressed? Besides, they refrain from eating food and drinking water, during daylight hours for 29/30 days.

The answer is:

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The Council of Ulama Eastern Cape (CUEC) or Lajnatul Ulama was formed at the end of 1999 with the aim of co-ordinating the activities of the various Ulama in the Eastern Cape. The founding members included Moulana Junaid Adam, the current Ameer, and Moulana Is'haaq Ackerdien. The need arose…

Council of Ulama Eastern Cape